Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ruby Tuesday ...

... from Salem, Oregon

- This is either an onion or a chive. It is in my garden and I don't know. :)

- Enjoy! -

- If you what to view other Ruby Tuesday pictures click here.


Hootin Anni said...

Well, it could actually be either since they both go to seed the same way. Great textured photo, it is!!!

My Tuesday Photo Do hope you can find time to visit with me.

Felisol said...

I couldn't tell if this is an insect or a plant. Looks very science fiction-ic to me.
Absolutely interesting, though.

Your grandfather, Mr. Huntzinger, is absolutely adorable. Never seen a baby boy with a top hat before.
Wonder how he felt? Little Lord Fauntleroy, maybe?

I also admire your pictures from Ireland. My favorite country # 2, after my homeland, Norway.
Lots and lots of interesting photos since my last visit.Cousin Gunnar thanks for the complements and says hello.

stan said...

It has an alien like quality - the tentacles!

Auntie E said...

Looks more like an onion to me. My chive flowers are more on there own steam. Little critter loves to eat the chives.
My Ruby Link for you

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

It's an onion. Chives have bluish, purplish blossoms.

Ruby Banana Blossom

Ingrid said...

Can't help you, no idea what it is, but it looks nice, lol !

Sherri said...

LOVE your blog!


Nancy said...

I love the color of it!

Kim, USA said...

Yes I think it's an onion.

Barnyard Express

Maria Berg said...

I think it is un onion too. MB