Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Helped Dennis fix a neighborhood issue ...

... and move a 300 lb bush and root ball full of dirt -

- With the right tools I was able to strip out 200 lbs of dirt from the root ball. Along the journey, I found this bug living in the root ball. It was Dennis' pet spider. I took a few pictures and then did the right thing. I squashed it like a bug that it was. I got it down to about a hundred pounds and was able to put it in the truck for hauling to Rick's burn pile.

- Did I mention that Dennis loves spiders. Not really, he does not like bugs. Enjoy and click the picture to enlarge. :)


Nancy said...

What a good job you did!!

Kim said...

That is completely disgusting ~ I can only imagine the high pitched scream I would've made had I seen that....ew. I just shivered. Good job on the removal though!

Laura said...

Cool photo but that's nasty.

Sherri said...

Now that is one UGLY bug!

Maria Berg said...

I do not like spiders too - me too would have screamed!
But it is good to work in the garden from time to time and have some exercise! MB

neffie said...

Have I told you taht I think that spider picture is disgusting? Well, I do! LOL